
About Wilston Physiotherapy

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So far Wilston Physiotherapy has created 14 blog entries.
5 02, 2015

Achilles Tendinopathy

By |2015-02-05T04:47:28+10:00February 5, 2015|Health Tips, Blog|0 Comments

Achilles Tendinopathy is an unfortunately common complaint seen in a physiotherapy clinic. Achilles tendon pain is usually due to small tears in the tendon which can develop over time. This may occur due to a single incident of overstretching or straining the tendon, or through general overuse where the tendon [...]

9 10, 2014


By |2014-10-09T03:01:42+10:00October 9, 2014|Health Tips, Blog|0 Comments

Most people have heard of Rehabilitation, the undertaking of treatment and exercise regime following an injury. Some studies are now showing the effectiveness of undertaking Physiotherapy treatment and an exercise program designed to help reduce symptoms and strengthen a particular body area BEFORE undergoing surgery to repair the injury. This is called Prehabilitation. Injuries [...]

30 04, 2014

Acute Lower Back Pain

By |2022-05-22T17:10:23+10:00April 30, 2014|Health Tips, Blog|0 Comments

Lower back pain is a common condition that many people suffer from every year. There are a number of different structures in the low back that can be effected, including discs, facet joints, nerves and nerve roots as they exit your spine through your intevertebral foramen. Muscle strains, ligament strains [...]

20 02, 2014

Iliotibial Band Syndrome

By |2014-02-20T01:01:25+10:00February 20, 2014|Health Tips, Blog|0 Comments

Iliotibial band syndrome is a condition that commonly presents in runners and typically causes pain at the outer aspect of the knee where the iliotibial band (ITB) crosses the knee joint. A thorough subjective and objective examination from a physiotherapist is usually sufficient to diagnose Iliotibial band syndrome. Investigations such [...]

5 11, 2013

Bowen Therapy

By |2024-02-18T20:56:33+10:00November 5, 2013|Treatment Techniques, Blog|0 Comments

The Bowen Technique is a gentle but effective approach to pain relief that triggers the body’s natural healing responses. It recognises that the underlying cause of many musculoskeletal, neuromuscular and other health problems can be found in the fascia. Fascia is an uninterrupted web of soft tissue that surrounds muscles, [...]

2 10, 2013

Dry Needling

By |2013-10-02T03:11:58+10:00October 2, 2013|Treatment Techniques, Blog|0 Comments

Many people think that dry needling means acupuncture but in fact they’re not the same.  Acupuncture is a treatment practiced in traditional Chinese medicine which is based on a body’s energy flow (“Qi” energy). Dry needling is a treatment modality practiced by physiotherapists and it is based on western medicine [...]

13 09, 2012

Sports Injuries

By |2012-09-13T15:12:15+10:00September 13, 2012|Health Tips, Blog|0 Comments

Sports injuries are commonly caused by overuse, direct impact, or the application of force that is greater than the body part can structurally withstand. An injury that happens suddenly, such as a sprained ankle caused by an awkward footfall, is known as an acute injury. Chronic injuries are caused by [...]

13 09, 2012

Shoulder Pain

By |2012-09-13T15:11:34+10:00September 13, 2012|Health Tips, Blog|0 Comments

Painful shoulder conditions that limit movement are very common, and are caused by injuries affecting the shoulder joint, muscles, tendons, ligaments and cartilage. It is possible to do more movements with the arm than with any other part of the body. The arm is such a useful tool that it’s [...]

13 09, 2012


By |2012-09-13T15:11:05+10:00September 13, 2012|Health Tips, Blog|0 Comments

Chiropractors regularly treat sciatica and have terrific results. Sciatica is the Latin word for “Pain down the back of the leg” Sciatica is referred pain usually caused by trapping the sciatic nerve in the lower back. See back pain. The sciatic nerve runs from the lower back down through the buttocks and [...]

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